Welcome to O5 Farms!
We’re glad you chose to visit us today.
Blueberry picking procedures:
- Grab a clean bucket
- Line bucket with provided bags.
- Choose only the bluest berries.
- Fill bucket until level with top.
- Pull bag from bucket and tie up.
- Place buckets into the “used” bin.
- Have lots of fun, take lots of pics and make lots of memories!!
Pay using:
- Cash (drop in black lock box)
- PayPal, Venmo, or Cash app (QR scan codes provided)
*We are in the GA Farm Bureau Passport, so please grab a stamped passport or we will be happy to stamp if you already have one!
Pick-Your-Own Naturally Grown Blueberries
When: sun up to sun down, 7 days a week in June & July

*We operate on the honor system-just drop your $ in the black lock box.
**We also have animals on our farm including an alpaca named Danny, cows, goats, mini pot belly pigs, a peacock named Pretty Bird, rabbits, chickens, roosters, guineas, geese, and donkeys.